Join Us and help build
something incredible

We’re on a mission to create experiences for people who love music and sound. That includes software, services, and even a few hardware products.

We’re always looking for talented, ambitious individuals who share our passion and want to do great things.

About Roon Labs

We started in New York City, but we have no physical headquarters and our team of around 50 is spread over four continents. Our Slack workspace is our office and we meet over Skype. Everyone at the company is free to live and work wherever they want, and to manage their hours and contributions as they see fit. We all find our happy in our own way.

We’re a small, profitable, founder-owned company that’s growing at a quick but manageable pace – roughly doubling every year. We have no outside investors because frankly, we’ve been there, and we don’t want our product vision to conflict with our business goals. The evidence from our own history indicates that if we continue to build outstanding products and services for people who care about them, we’ll continue to grow and succeed.

That doesn’t mean we’re aiming low. We have big plans, and we need the best people to join us to help make them reality.

About you

If you share our curiosity about how things work, our love of learning new things, and our passion for music, we should talk. Our global remote working structure isn’t for everyone; we need people who are comfortable being their own manager, owning their own projects, and asking questions when they’re lost. We challenge each other and thrive on being challenged, and that way we help each other grow as individuals and as team members.


We’re hiring software developers! Whether your specialty is DevOps, machine learning, mobile apps, or full stack web development, we almost certainly have a role that suits you. Experience with our technology stack is a plus, but we place more value on the breadth of technologies you’ve worked with in the past. It’s important that you’re comfortable working in a large pre-existing codebase, but we value the ability to work with a variety of languages, toolkits, and technologies, and a willingness to pick up new skills and expertise as you go.

Our technology

Our cloud services are built in C#, Node.js, and Python. Our cloud infrastructure runs on Docker Swarm and Google Cloud Platform. We use PostgresSQL, Nginx, and Elasticsearch. Client apps are built in C# with C/C++ underpinnings. We use Xamarin tooling on iOS and Android. Our software is portable across Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and Linux. Our data and learning systems are built using Python (numpy, scipy, scikit-learn, pandas, etc), C++, SQL, and Airflow.

While a lot of our code is written in C#, this is not a Windows/Visual Studio kind of place. We use a limited subset of .NET as a portable runtime environment and most of our developers live on Mac/Linux machines using vim/emacs, make, zsh, and git.

Skills we value

The basics of remote work are important: a healthy curiosity about how things work, excellent English communication skills, and the ability to work independently and own projects to completion. We are a fairly flat organization, so we all self-manage and do grunt work when our projects require it. We support each other, so asking questions when you’re stuck – and helping others when you can – is a big part of our culture.

We obviously look for strong computer science fundamentals: data structures, algorithms, programming languages, distributed systems, databases, and information retrieval, and we expect that you write comprehensible code and think about maintainability. When things break – and they will – we’re always eager to help fix them.

Roon is committed to shaping the future of distributed work.

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