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{{orig_user.firstname}}'s Roon Account

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You don't have a Roon subscription

You can start a free trial to start enjoying Roon!

Your Roon {{lic.trial_or_sub}} has ended

{{lic.closed_date | date}}
Your {{lic.trial_or_sub}} ended because we couldn't process your payment.
Your {{lic.trial_or_sub}} ended.
Please subscribe to start enjoying Roon again!

Lifetime Roon subscription

You have a lifetime subscription to Roon. Thanks and enjoy the music!

Free Roon Trial

Your free trial will end in {{Math.round((lic.expiration_date - new Date())/86400000)}} {{Math.round((lic.expiration_date - new Date())/86400000) == 1 ? "day" : "days"}}.
Please subscribe before {{lic.expiration_date | date}} to keep the music going.

{{lic.expiration_date | date}}
Your Roon {{ lic.billing }} subscription will start and you will be automatically charged ${{ getRate(lic.billing) }} using the payment method on file.

Complimentary Roon subscription

Your complimentary subscription will autorenew on {{lic.expiration_date | date}} if your account is in good standing.

{{ lic.billing.toUpperCase() }} Roon Subscription

{{lic.expiration_date | date}}
Your Roon subscription will renew and you will be automatically charged ${{ getRate(lic.billing) }} using the payment method on file.
{{lic.expiration_date | date}}
Your Roon susbcription will end and you will lose access to Roon. Please turn on auto-renewal to keep access to Roon.


Code for {{code.description}}
{{code.createdon | date}}
You created this code.

Do you need another subscription or want to buy a gift code?
Please contact us.

Roon referral program

Share your love of music by telling your friends about Roon, and giving them 30 free days of Roon!

When someone signs up for Roon using your referral link, you both get 30 extra days added to your Roon subscriptions. If you're a lifetime subscriber, just hang on to your earned credits for future offerings!


{{user.referrals_used || 0}}
{{user.referrals_pending || 0}}
{{user.referrals_earned || 0}}
{{user.referrals_claimed || 0}}
Terms and conditions

Account Information

In order to change the email address or password on your account, you must have access to the email address listed above.

Use the email reset or password reset page to continue. If you do not have access to the email above, please contact us to verify your identity and update your account.

Payment Method

Credit Card Information

Billing Information

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